Friday, April 12, 2013

Meet the Team!
P: (516) 466-1722
Bianca Jurim - Co-owner

Over the past 10 years, Bianca Jurim has been successful in making sure that Jurim Dental Studio offers its clients the highest quality restoration and professional customer service on a consistent basis. Bianca oversees all client accounts and is available to answer any questions that you may have concerning your account.

Kelly Jurim - Technical Director | Manager CAD/CAM Department

With her strong technical background, acute attention to detail and desire for perfection, Kelly plays a vital role in the laboratory's daily production. She oversees cases as they move though the lab to make sure they any requirements from doctors are quickly communicated to our technicians. She strives to ensure that cases are completed correctly and on time.

Kelly's degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Mechanical Engineering allows for her to manage our in-house milling system with ease and efficiency. Whether your question concerns a case that we are working on or is technical in nature, Kelly is just a phone call away.