Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Precise Fitting with Cerec Connect by Sirona
P: (516) 466-1722

As a preferred Sirona Connect Inlab lab, Jurim Dental Studio has immediate connectivity with digital doctors using Sirona's CEREC technology.Jurim Dental Studio has immediate connectivity with digital doctors using Sirona's CEREC technology. All a doctor needs to participate is a CEREC digital impressioning acquisition unit and a high speed internet connection to quickly upload their lab case to us. Using the virtual model, our team of highly trained digital technicians employ Sirona's latest CAD/CAM technology to fabricate your final restoration with no need for a physical model.

Watch CEREC Connect in action here:

Since Jurim Dental Studio is a preferred Sirona Connect Inlab lab, you can rest assured that your final restorations will be incredibly precise fitting, made of the highest quality all-ceramic materials, and have that artistic finishing touch that only a skilled dental technician can provide where enhanced aesthetics and characterization is needed.