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Valentine's Day is fast approaching and many of us are getting ready to celebrate with our sweetheart. When we think of showing our love, two things come to mind: diamonds and chocolate. The heart-shaped boxes stocked with delicious chocolate treats are purchased by more than 35 million Americans each year! People normally worry about what eating the entire box will do to the waistline, but rarely ever is there a concern on the impact these sweets have on our teeth. Check out the following effects:
Sticky candies cause havoc! What's better than caramel filled chocolates? While we agree that these treats are delicious, they are also problematic for our teeth. Sticky candy substances take longer to dissolve, leaving the sugar to wreak more havoc on your teeth. Also, when eating sticky candies you are putting your fillings at risk of being sucked out.
Enjoy your candy while increasing your oral care. It is perfectly fine to enjoy your chocolate candies during the holiday as long as you maintain proper care of your teeth. Brushing and flossing an extra time each day may help prevent the sugar from damaging your teeth severely. Visit your dentist and schedule regular cleanings and exams to assure your teeth are protected.
For more tips on protecting your teeth during the holiday, click here.
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