Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How To Keep Your Teeth Healthy During The Holidays

P: (516) 466-1722

If all you want for the holidays is a great smile, then there are a few things you should keep in mind this season!  Keep emergency trips to the dentist off your list this year with these oral health holiday tips!

Don't crack nuts with your teeth.  Nuts have become a popular post holiday meal snack, and while they are rich in protein, too many can actually harm your teeth.  Avoid cracking the hard shells with your teeth, this can result in a chipped tooth and even gum damage!

Pass on chewy treats.  Sticky candies found on holiday treat platters cling to tooth enamel, encourage tooth decay, and can even yank out fillings. 

Avoid opening packages with your teeth.  This goes for bottle too! We know how difficult it can be to open that bottle of soda or water.  Using your teeth is not the answer! This can result in cracked teeth and an otherwise unnecessary repair procedure. 

Bring a toothbrush.  If you are traveling this holiday season or celebrating at a family members house, bring a toothbrush.  This will help keep plaque from forming and reduce acid production in your mouth.

Avoid too many desserts.  Too much sugar not only affects your waistline, it causes major damage to your teeth.  Prevent tooth decay by limiting your intake of sweets and brushing between courses. 

Jurim Dental Studio offers unmatched quality in dental restorative solutions.  Contact us today to find out how we can help make your patients visit an unforgettable one.