P: (516) 466-1722
Have you ever thought about how it would feel (or look!) if you lost one of two of your front teeth? You probably wouldn't smile that much anymore. And how many times are you going to have to tell the story about how you lost your front teeth?

Many sports related injuries can't be prevented due to the physical nature of sports, but wearing a mouthguard is the only way to prevent injuries to your mouth, teeth, lips, and tongue. A properly fitted mouthgaurd is an important piece of athletic gear that will keep your smile intact.
Choosing the Right Mouthguard
There are three types of mouthguards; the ready made or stock mouthguard, the mouth-formed boil-and-bite mouthguards, and the custom mouthguard made by a dentist. All properly fitted mouthguards provide varying degrees of protection and cost. A custom-fitted mouthguard can be tailored to the athlete and the sport for the best possible performance and protection.
The most effective mouthguard should have several features. It should be resilient, tear-resistant and comfortable. It also should fit properly, be durable and easy to clean, and not restrict your speech or breathing.
Ask your personal dentist about the pros and cons of each type of mouthguard. For more information please visit the American Dental Association, http://www.ada.org/4176.aspx.